Head Cement Consulting, LLC

Andrew F. Hollingshead, PE

Major Equipment Audits

Process audits of major equipment groups usually result in immediate performance improvement, either in throughput or efficiency.

Internal equipment inspections are essential to evaluate mechanical components and to assess wear rates to plan for eventual replacement.

Process audits should be performed at least annually on raw mills, kiln/coolers and cement mills. These audits can usually be used to immediately identify system inefficiencies and to develop future capital projects.

Heat and Mass Balances provide valuable information to assess overall system performance and to troubleshoot and correct system deficiencies.

With over 30 years experience in cement and lime manufacturing, Mr. Hollingshead has worked on more than 60 kilns (long wet, long dry, preheater, calciner) and over 90 mills (ball, vertical roller mill).  He has worked in cement and lime plants located in the US, Canada, the Caribbean and Brazil.

Contact andyh@headcement.com for more information regarding major equipment audits.